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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Humble Places

If you read this you are reading a late night post.  I have been running all day trying to get things done, because tomorrow I go under the knife.  I am having some surgery, although it is minor compared to what some have to endure.  I will be having hernia repair work done.  I have to get up at 5:00 to get there by 6:00, and they will knock me out and then cut some small holes to put all those instruments in me.  Laprascopic surgery they call it.  It doesn't matter, what does is I will be completely at the mercy and skill of several doctors and nurses and attendents in an OR, not Oregon.  It is a humble place to be, utterly dependent, helpless, like an infant child.

You realize that is how we actually are to live our lives.  We are to live completely at the mercy and skill of a risen Savior who is in the process of saving us.  We are to humble ourselves daily and become utterly dependent, like an infant child.  We are to learn to place ourselves fully in his care, under his sovereign rule, trusting him for all things.  Yes, we are even to admit, we are helpless without his help.  Remember that is the meaning of the first beattitude, "Blessed are the poor in spirit."

Humble places.  We find ourselves in them often as we journey through life, and through the life of faith in Jesus.  He humbles us again and again as we try to follow him into the tough places of loving the unlovely, forgiving the undeserving, serving rather than being served, and trusting him enough to obey his every word.

Humble  places.  They are a place of prayer.  It is in those humble places we learn to cry out, to ask with persistence, to pour out our hearts, to choose to surrender ourselves to the one who is Lord over all. 

So in this humble place tonight, I pray.  I choose to believe that I am helpless, like a little child.  But I also believe I have one who holds me, will not leave my side, not even when I am wheeled into that OR tomorrow.  He will be with me, because you see humble places are places where we meet Jesus.  Pray with me and I will with you. 

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